Friday, July 1, 2011

New raised beds finished

Well I finally have my third raised bed filled and operational. I planted it with corn and beans; I'm trying to grow them together in hills for the first time this year. I know I'm late, but hopefully we won't have an early frost this year. I also transplanted some tomato and summer squash plants into the new bed. My long range plan is to put a hoop house over these 3 beds this fall and see how late I can grow into the winter.

My new bed is on the far left. Squash and tomatoes in the middle bed and potatoes in the right bed. Each bed is 30 inches wide, 8 inches high and 16 feet long.

This is the first year that I have had good luck with broccoli.

My potato plants are in bloom.

My original 5 foot by 20 foot bed. Bush beans in foreground, then lettuce and squash.

Here is the lettuce that my friend gave me, growing nicely.

My bunching onions are slowly growing.

Lettuce, carrots and beans...

I mentioned previously that I was moving my compost pile. Here is the new pile on the opposite side of my yard. It is heating up nicely internally.


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