Thursday, September 29, 2011

Framing door end of greenhouse

I framed in one end of the greenhouse for a door and cut out the plastic around the door opening. I also finished putting plastic covering on the other end of the greenhouse. The 20' x 25' roll of plastic that I used, was about 6 feet short on the back end. I 'spliced' some other plastic that I had from last year. We'll see if it holds together in the wind!

Here is a view of the door frame end from the inside. Good thing corn plants are flexible !

Here is a view from the outside with the door in place. I have been leaving it open during the day, propped back with a pvc pipe in the ground.

I had my first ear of corn from the garden last night. Very delicious. This was the corn that I planted 3 plants to a hill this year, surrounded by 4 pole bean plants.

Here are my pole beans, which I grew alongside my corn this year.


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