Thursday, September 29, 2011

Framing door end of greenhouse

I framed in one end of the greenhouse for a door and cut out the plastic around the door opening. I also finished putting plastic covering on the other end of the greenhouse. The 20' x 25' roll of plastic that I used, was about 6 feet short on the back end. I 'spliced' some other plastic that I had from last year. We'll see if it holds together in the wind!

Here is a view of the door frame end from the inside. Good thing corn plants are flexible !

Here is a view from the outside with the door in place. I have been leaving it open during the day, propped back with a pvc pipe in the ground.

I had my first ear of corn from the garden last night. Very delicious. This was the corn that I planted 3 plants to a hill this year, surrounded by 4 pole bean plants.

Here are my pole beans, which I grew alongside my corn this year.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Constructing the greenhouse

I started assembling my high tunnel today. It is 12 feet wide and 16 feet long; it covers my 3 raised beds. I based it on this design.

I installed 2x6 lumber around the perimeter to attach the plastic cover to. The 1/2 plastic conduit is 20 feet long (2 ten foot sections cemented together) and is slipped over 2 foot rebar pounded into the ground. I had to grind down the top of the rebar with a grinding wheel on my drill, so the hoops would slide over them smoothly.

Here the hoops are in place. I ran one piece of conduit length wise on top and tie wrapped it to each hoop to add some rigidity.

Here is my high tunnel with the plastic cover installed. The sides are secured with strips of wooden lath.

Here is a view of the inside of the tunnel. I will be putting a door on this end.

Monday, September 12, 2011

End of summer

It has been a while since I posted. I've busy tending my garden and eating its bounty. The garden has done well this year. Here is my corn, summer squash and dying potatoes at the end of August. This year I experimented with growing groups of 4 corn plants in hills, each hill surrounded by 4 pole beans.

I planted fall carrots in the front corner of this first bed.

Here are my winter squash. I didn't grown enough; they have almost all been cooked and eaten. Next year I plant more squash. I have pulled up that lettuce which has gone to seed and planted more carrots and some snow peas.

My broccoli produced a second set heads, after the first cutting.